Some Benefits are Non-taxable

Ahh, April! Ahhh, taxes. I don't really resent paying taxes… we get a lot of services in our country. But, like most Americans, I am sometimes dismayed by how MUCH we pay. According to one source, tax freedom day doesn't come until May 10th. In other words from January 1st until May 10th we are all working to support our local, state and federal governments. So, it seems, our paychecks and income sources are always less than expected.

Can you remember when you first started getting a regular paycheck? Wasn't it neat? "My OWN money!" My first regular job was at a rose nursery in northern Ohio in the early 60's. Hard work, but at 75 cents per hour it was worth it! When it came time to get my first check, I had already figured it out: 5 days worked, times 8 hours per day, times 75 cents per hour should equal… $30. Right? Well, the math was right, but the expectation was wrong. There was this thing called "withholding." So my $30 turned out to be more like $26.50. Bummer.

There are lots of areas in life when reality turns out to be less than expected. Ever go to a restaurant and when it comes time to order dessert everyone at your table says "No," except you? But when your dessert arrives everyone wants a bite? Bummer.

The envelope SAYS you've won a GAZILLION DOLLARS. Your name is spelled right and everything. But the fine print… "IF you are selected by our Megamighty 2000 computer your name will be placed in a hat the size of Wisconsin. And IF your name is pulled, then, maybe…" Bummer.

In the New Testament of the Holy Bible Jesus spoke of a rich man who needed to learn the "less than expected" lesson. The rich man of Luke chapter 12 expected life to be long and good. Note his words:

"So he said, 'I will do this. I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat drink, and be merry."'" (Luke 12:18, 19)

However, reality came calling in the very next verse.

"But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided? So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (Luke 12:20, 21)

Not all treasures are the same. There are the taxable, temporary, less-than-expected kind. Then there is heaven and "riches toward God." Talk about non-taxable benefits!

Life is full of the less-than-expected. And we are foolish if we spend all our time working for that which will be taxed. I am expecting some benefits that are not taxed, do not have to be reported on a 1040, and will be greater than I can imagine. Wonderful!

These benefits are available to all. If you'd like to talk about your riches toward God, drop us a note or give us a call here at Bible Center Church. These are riches we love to share.

Lee Walker
Business Manager
Bible Center Church

©2000 Bible Center Church

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