July rules as the vacation month of the year.  Millions of Americans will travel millions of miles to enjoy all that our Land has to offer.  If you are one of those taking a road trip may I suggest you consult a map before you go.  Have you ever been lost?  Not sure of where you were, perhaps you wandered aimlessly for several miles before finally stopping to check the road map or ask someone for directions.  Sound familiar, men?

In much the same way, life without direction from the Word of God is a lot like that, and most of us have experienced this at one time or another.  Finding answers to life's questions is often difficult and elusive; what about work, marriage and family, finances, health; where do we go from here?

The Book that is described as the "lamp unto our feet" and the "light unto our path," must be the center of our worship because it leads us to the saving grace offered through the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Only the directions given in the Bible can assure us that we will arrive at our preferred destination - eternal life with God in Heaven.

Do you feel lost in your life at this moment?  Then it's time to check out God's road map, the Bible.  Bible Center Church is available to help you find answers to your questions.  We would love to show you the path to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - one that will give you confidence and peace in this earthly life, while guiding you on to life eternal.  A TripTik from AAA can't even come close!


Pastor Shawn Thornton
© 2005 Bible Center Church

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