Worth Thinking About...

A (round) TuitThis month's "Worth Thinking About" Column comes with a wonderful gift. I am happy to present you with your very own TUIT. Someone gave me one a while back and my (round) TUIT was a wooden model about the size of a Quarter and you could carry it in your pocket with all of your spare change.

Now what use is a (round) TUIT, you ask. Well, the answer is simple it is versatile, all purpose, powerful, excuse eliminator! How often have you said: "I'll should take care of that - and I will just as soon as I get a (round) TUIT." or "Just as soon as I get a (round) TUIT I am going to finish that job."

So, now never again will the absence of a (round) TUIT stop you from doing what you really should do. Charles Swindoll has this to say about the virtues of the (round) TUIT. "The possibilities are endless. You might be able to lose that extra weight...or stop that needless habit. Once you've done that you could free yourself from such mental anchors that proper priorities in life might start to emerge. Big chunks could actually start falling into place. Your own (round) tuit will help plug the undisciplined and careless leaks in your time dike. Because it is round, it will roll over and crush your fixation on procrastination. At last!"1

Perhaps the reason the above hits home is that we are all guilty of putting off what we really need to do. The Apostle Paul, likely, had this in mind when he wrote:

Eph. 5:14-16 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Yes, we do need to awake, arise, walk wisely, and redeem the time. In reality we don't even need a (round) TUIT. We simply need to make decisions to follow or God rather than offering excuses. For some of us the future holds the prospect of the ministry demanding even more of our time. For some of us we have meant to get involved in ministry but we somehow never got a (round) TUIT. If you have trouble identifying your ministry in the local church take it to the Lord in prayer or speak with one of our leaders about present opportunities. For some of us we need to find where we can serve and quickly get a (round) TUIT!

1Swindoll, Come Before Winter, Multnomah, 1985, page 268

Jesse Waggoner
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

©1997 Calvary Baptist Church
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