Worth Thinking About...

The Best Guide

In my mind the most relaxing way to travel in unfamiliar territory has to be with a guide. I suppose we all have felt the pressure of being behind the wheel while trying to follow directions from fellow passengers, glancing occasionally at a road map, and keeping an eye on the road signs. A few years back while attending a convention just outside Philadelphia, I put down $11.00 for an afternoon bus tour of the historic sites of the City of Brotherly Love. It was the best $11.00 I could have spent. Just to sit back in my reclining seat in air conditioned comfort while looking peacefully through the large windows of the tour bus while a nice elderly lady pointed out Betsy Ross' house, the room where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and the library steps that Sylvester Stallone ran up in "Rocky." How nice just to let someone else show me the way. To have a bus waiting while we walked through Independence Hall and looked at the Liberty Bell, all without having to worrying about feeding parking meters. Yes, having a guide is the only way to go!

When God called Abraham to leave his home in Ur and travel to "a land that I will show you"
(Genesis 12:1) he had faith that God would be his guide. The story of Abraham's life verifies the fact that God is the best guide. God met with him at all the critical moments of his life and blessed him beyond Abraham's wildest dreams.

As most of you know the Waggoner family is following the Lord's leading in a new adventure, but I assure you that having a guide is the only way to go and our God is the best guide you can get. Let me encourage you to also seek to follow God's guidance every day of your life. Wherever He made lead you; it the best place you can be.

Let me give you a few quick pointers on letting God be your guide. First all make sure you have a relationship with Him. The good news is that it won't even cost you $11.00; it is absolutely free. Christ has paid the price for our sins, which is what separates us from God and all we have to do is accept His forgiveness as a free gift. Then through His grace we enter into an eternal relationship with Him. Secondly, if you already have a relationship with Him, let me encourage you to maintain that relationship. Just as God made his will known to Abraham, we must take the time to listen to His voice. Guidance is only of benefit if it is listened to and followed. Make it a point to reserve some time each day to read our spiritual "travel guide;" the Bible. As you listen to Him, seek to submit your will, to order your life according to His standard, then and only then can you relax and enjoy your journey through life. May God richly bless each one of you as you continue your spiritual journey.

Jesse Waggoner
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

©1998 Calvary Baptist Church